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NEW: Conceptual Views of Transit Hub and Union Bay Bridge (5MB PDF file) Note bridge is a placeholder; bridge design not complete.

NEW: View the Roanoke lid park plan for the Roanoke Park area of North Capitol Hill, where 10th Ave., E Roanoke St., and Delmar Drive all come together

 Below are links to large scale pop-up images that help explain the possibilities associated with Pacific Interchange vs. the other alternatives.

Since the following images were produced, the alignment of the Pacific Interchange has been adjusted so it covers more water and less land and wetlands. There are various ways the scale the Pacific Interchange can be reduced, from reducing shoulders to adjusting the design of ramps. BetterBridge.org is committed to doing everything we can to making the sure design of this structure is worthy of its setting, and the scale is minimal as possible while still being functional.

You can open multiple photorealistic images and flip between them to compare the alternatives.

NEW: The Montlake Monster - This is a scary technical diagram of the unbelievably huge interchange associated with the Base 6 alternative. This was part of the inspiration for BetterBridge.org.